There are a lot of places to visit in Uzbekistan. However, a well made, a one week Uzbekistan itinerary is enough to see most of them, together with going off the beaten path and meeting local people. I carefully planned my Uzbekistan itinerary to see as much as possible in a week of backpacking Uzbekistan, and I share it with you. Continue reading “Full Backpacking Uzbekistan Itinerary in One Week (Or More) + Tips”
Tag: Uzbekistan

Is Uzbekistan Safe? 5 Things I Discovered Traveling Solo
Is it safe to travel to Uzbekistan, especially if you want to try solo traveling and you are a female? Is Uzbekistan safe? I discover the untold truth about Uzbekistan tourism safety and unfold the five main threats that you can face when you travel to Uzbekistan.
Continue reading “Is Uzbekistan Safe? 5 Things I Discovered Traveling Solo”

Central Asia Travel Guide and Backpacking Itinerary
Travelling in Central Asia is like a fairytale. From the white peaks of the Kyrgyz mountains to the wild horses on the steppes of Kazakhstan. From the pearls of architecture in Uzbekistan to one of the world’s most closed countries of Turkmenistan and intriguing landscapes of Tajikistan. Central Asia lies off the beaten path for most of the tourists, but it intrigues and fascinates those adventurous ones. Here, I share with you my Central Asia travel guide and full Central Asia itinerary to help you plan your next backpacking trip to one of the world’s underrated regions.
Continue reading “Central Asia Travel Guide and Backpacking Itinerary”